from 26-29 August, 2024 to discuss the latest research and state-of-the-art technologies in parasitology and anaerobic protozoology at the Parasites in the Pacific 2024 Conference.

View of Auckland from the Waitakere ranges
Delegates at the 2019 ASP Conference in Adelaide
Gardens at The University of Auckland


The scientific program will cover all parasitology themes from Veterinary Parasitology to Human Parasitology, with Anaerobic Protists, Malaria, Strongyloides, Bioinformatics, Microscopy, Livestock, Wildlife Parasitology, Fish Parasitology, Companion Animals and One Health. The program covers all aspects of parasitology research and that includes basic research in all areas of life science.

Māori culture

For millennia, Māori have been the tangata whenua, the indigenous people of Aotearoa.

Māori were the first inhabitants of Aotearoa, New Zealand, guided by Kupe, the great navigator.

According to the people of Ngāpuhi (tribe of the Far North), the first explorer to reach New Zealand was the intrepid ancestor, Kupe. Using the stars and ocean currents as his navigational guides, he ventured across the Pacific on his waka hourua (voyaging canoe) from his ancestral Polynesian homeland of Hawaiki. It is said that Kupe made landfall at the Hokianga Harbour in Northland, around 1000 years ago.

Find out about Māori culture

Tāmaki Makaurau, the Māori name for Auckland, means Tāmaki desired by many. This name refers to the abundance of natural resources, strategic vantage points, portage routes, and mahinga kai which first attracted Māori, and then other settlers.


We would like to acknowledge the generous support of our Parasites in the Pacific 2024 Conference sponsors, thanks to Elsevier Parasitology and the International Journal for Parasitology (IJP), IJP DDR and IJP PAW, Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ltd, Elanco, New England Biolabs, eLife, Tourism New Zealand, Tātaki Auckland Unlimited, MDPI, Pathogens, and Parasitologia, Auckland Medical Research Foundation and Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust.


Register for Parasites in the Pacific 2024 Conference online