Congratulations to Prof John Sprent recently awarded a WFP Distinguished Parasitologist Award

The World Federation of Parasitologists has recognised Prof John Sprent’s significant achievements by awarding him a WFP Distinguished Parasitologist Award. This is a most notable award which recognises John’s substantial career in parasitology. On behalf of the ASP, Prof Mal Jones will host a ceremony in Brisbane in late September to celebrate Prof Sprent’s career…


2011 Australian Society for Parasitology Annual Conference

The 2011 Australian Society for Parasitology Annual Conference will take place at the Pullman Reef Casino, Cairns, Queensland, Australia from 10-13 July. Registration and abstract submission are now open, visit the conference website for more information. The deadline for early-bird registration and abstract submission is 29 April 2011. Visit the conference website for more information …
