Parasitravaganza 2020 Prize winners

We hope that you enjoyed attending Parasitravaganza 2020, the inaugural ASP online conference which took place on Thursday 30th & Friday 31st July 2020, we certainly enjoyed seeing so many of you attend and participate in the Student and ECR Career Development Workshops on Thursday and the main Conference on Friday. We want to thank…


What has hairy legs, can jump high and likes cats?

Find out through our “Parasites Online” virtual free fun for National Science Week Join all of our Parasites Online events across National Science Week Aug 15 – Aug 23 Parasitology researchers will share their stories through online science shows and short research presentations, “Live from the Lab” laboratory tours and “Fresh From the Field”…


Superstars of STEM

THE SEARCH BEGINS FOR AUSTRALIA’S NEXT CONSTELLATION OF #SuperstarsofSTEM A nationwide search begins today for the next 60 Superstars of STEM – brilliant women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics who want to step into the spotlight as media stars. Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews will launch the next round of applications…


UniSuper Divest campaign

In 2019, the ASP recognised the importance and urgency of the climate crisis by becoming the first scientific society to declare a Climate & Ecological Emergency. As part of this, we would like to draw our member’s attention to the current UniSuper Divest campaign. What is the UniSuper Divest campaign? UniSuper is the default superannuation…
