The Bridget Ogilvie Medal

Applications close next Monday 22 April 2024 for The Bridget Ogilvie Medal. The Bridget Ogilvie Medal of the Australian Society for Parasitology is an award for an Ordinary member or Fellow of the ASP who, in the opinion of the selection committee appointed by Council, has made an outstanding contribution to parasitology education. The applicant…


World Malaria Day 25 April ““Accelerating the fight against malaria for a more equitable world””

Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. It is preventable and curable. World Malaria Day is 25 April and the theme for this year is “Accelerating the fight against malaria for a more equitable world.” The World Health Organisation states “In…


ASP Online Seminar Series: 19th April 2024 @ 1pm AEST celebrating World Malaria Day

Join our online ASP Seminar Series Friday 19th April 2024, 1pm AEST, featuring Sophie Collier, The University of Melbourne presenting “Locked Out and Left Behind: A Study of Organellar Inheritance in P. berghei” and Lee Yeoh, Burnet Institute, presenting “Monoclonal antibodies and targeted vaccine design against malaria”  with co-chairs Jill Chmielewski, Walter and Eliza Hall…


Read the latest ASP newsletter Vol 35.1 April 2024

Download the latest newsletter  ASP newsletter Vol 35.1 April 2024 ( for all the latest news in parasitology. In this newsletter: Register and submit your abstract for Parasites in the Pacific 2024 Conference, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 26 – 29 August before the early-bird deadline 26 May 2024 (NZST) 2024 Australian Society for Parasitology…
