2013 ASP Conference news – WAAVP 2013

There is just over 2 weeks to go before we hit the deadline for submission of abstracts for the 2013 ASP Conference, which is being held in conjunction with the 24th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology in Perth from August 25-29 (see http://www.waavp2013perth.com).  Submit Your Abstract We’d like to…


ICTMM 2016 co-hosted by ASP and ASID

The International Congress of Tropical Medicine and Malaria 2016 will be held in Brisbane and is co-sponsored by ASP, Australasian Society of Infectious Diseases (ASID) and other societies and organisations. Congratulations to Malcolm Jones, Michael Good and their team on successfuly winning the bid. It is anticipated that the annual ASP meeting will be jointly…


Download the latest ASP newsletter V23.3 September 2012

What’s in the latest newsletter? 2012 ASP Annual Conference news and photos, Our first Inspiring Australia public event, ASP Awards Obituary for Professor Thomas Schnieder, a great ambassador of veterinary parasitology and a great friend to many ASP members. Parasitologists meet Parliament, ASP Network and OzEMalaR news and Award winners, The final deadline for applications for OzEMalaR…


Parasites inspire public

The Australian Society for Parasitology Inc.  has won an Inspiring Australia grant to run a series of free public events to explore the world of parasites. This project is one of 63 Unlocking Australia’s Potential science communication grants announced June 12 by the Minister for Science and Research, Senator Chris Evans.  
