Not too late to register for the 2017 ASP Annual Conference which takes place in Leura, in the beautiful Blue Mountains, NSW from 630pm Monday 26 – Thursday June 29, inclusive, at the Fairmont Resort Blue Mountains.
Accommodation offering special conference rates for delegates are the Fairmont Resort Blue Mountains in Leura and The Carrington hotel in Katoomba (this is a great option for students), be quick and book whilst these rooms are still available. Buses will transport delegates between Katoomba and Leura.
The conference program is online and promises to be a very exciting mix of industry perspectives for parasitology research along with our usual fun social events planned for delegates. The 2017 ASP Annual Conference program will includes an outstanding mix of quality international and Australian speakers.
Please join us for our Welcome Reception on Monday 26th June from 630pm at The Carrington Hotel, Katoomba with the Presentation of ASP Fellows, the Presidential Address by David Emery and to catch up with old and new friends. The 2017 ASP Annual Conference Talent Show on Tuesday 27th June 2017, following the “Highlights and Snapshots”session at 5pm at the conference venue with stand-up dinner, and the Conference Dinner will also be held at the conference venue, The Fairmont Resort Blue Mountains on Thursday 29th June from 630pm.
The 2017 ASP AGM will take place on Thursday June 29, 2017 from 330 – 530pm at the Fairmont Resort Blue Mountains. Don’t forget that ASP Students in receipt of a 2017 ASP Student Conference Grant are required to attend.
All Early Career Researchers attending the conference are invited to attend the 2017 ECR Event “Careers with Industry” on Wednesday June 28, 2017 from 630pm at the The Old City Bank Brasserie, Katoomba. This evening event includes dinner which will be a “pizza and beer/soft drink” special and is free for Early Career Researchers attending the conference. Tickets must be booked through the online conference registration system.
The ASP acknowledges the generous support of Elsevier Parasitology, the International Journal for Parasitology, IJP: DDR, IJP:PAW, Virbac, Bayer Animal Health, Novatec Immunodiagnostica and Merial who are supporting this conference.
The conference website has all the latest conference news //2017conference/
Please email for any ASP 2017 Conference queries. We look forward to seeing you in Leura in June at the conference!