Download the latest ASP newsletter (, Vol 31 Issue 3 April 2020
The photo on the cover of the latest ASP newsletter may well summarise how many of us felt during the lock down (and may still feel). COVID 19 continues to challenge our research, with access to laboratories and field work limited by the social distancing and lockdown; we hope you can start enjoying recreational activities soon. Please download the latest ASP newsletter to read at your leisure (, Vol 31 Issue 3 June 2020, it’s another issue packed with great stories and wonderful images.
In this newsletter:
- Join the 2020 Australian Society for Parasitology Annual General Meeting which will be an online Zoom meeting on Wednesday 29th July, 2 –5pm AEST. Please register:
- Have you registered for Parasitravaganza 2020, 31st July this online conference will be a fun experiment for the ASP so don’t miss out!
- The cover picture of a tiger was provided by Domenico Otranto from University of Bari, Italy, and you can read a lovely interview with Domenico about his recent IJPPAW publication.
- Another great interview in this newsletter features Damian Lettoof from Curtin University who tells us about his recent IJPPAW publication on parasites and tiger snakes.
- See more editors picks from all of our awesome journals, IJP; IJP:PAW and IJP:DDR.
- Sadly, Alan Donald, who was the third IJP Editor-in-Chief (1993-97) and ASP Fellow (1984), passed away in April, we read some tributes to Alan.
- The ASP has been very fortunate in winning a National Science Week and Inspiring Australia grant to run “Parasites Online” virtual outreach events throughout National Science Week, 15-23 August 2020.
- This newsletter has lots of State news, researcher news, and fabulous outreach events in the ACT…and much, much more!